Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Don't Let Me Die!

Friday Fictioneers

This is the Picture Prompt for this week's Friday Fictioneers.  I will be writing wrote an approximate 100-word story to go with this picture.  Check back on Friday to see what I was able to come up with.  =)  See below for what I managed to come up with.  

I have to mention right here and right now that I had a hard time with this one.  The prompt just refused to talk to me.  Without my friend Kristin, this story would not exist.  She gave me
word prompts to go with this picture.  Words that the picture spoke to her.  

If you would like to join in on the Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction Challenge, go to Madison Woods site (she is the hostess of this Flash Fiction exercise) through this link.

See you on It's Friday!!

My leg hurts so badly.  I have been out here for days.  I didn’t think I went that far off the trail.  There has not been a single person pass nearby.  I yell and scream only to receive silence after the echo fades.  What was I thinking going hiking alone!?!  I am so thirsty!  My canteen was nearly empty when I slipped down the steep slope.  My lips keep cracking open and bleeding when I try to call for help.  I can hear water dripping, but I can’t find it.  Where is it!?!  God, please don’t let me die here…PLEASE!

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Thanks for reading and please comment on this story..I want to know 'Whatcha Think'.

Thanks for reading.

Brooke Ryter


  1. We won't let you die, darling. Relax, take some deep breaths, keep listening and your Guardian Angel will lead you to the water. All of Madison's Fictioneers are praying for you.

    1. Thank you Lora! I knew I could count on the Friday Fictioneers to come to my rescue!!

  2. I got so caught up in your story, I forgot to leave mine: Find it here:

  3. Very convincingly told. I could feel myself dredging up a panic attack here. Well written.

  4. Good story, easy to believe in. Poor thing. I am sure someone will come for her.

    1. I hope someone finds her! Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!

  5. Dear Brooke,

    me thinks your MC is about to rejoin the stream of things, so to speak. As she rises towards her afterlife, she'll see the tiny stream nearby. Pure toture, the hearing. Very well done, this.



    1. Doug,

      Really like your take on the 'rest of the story'. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Uh-oh. I've been hiking alone in places I probably shouldn't have without letting someone at least know where I'd gone. Could all too easily happen. Very realistic story!

  7. Ooph ... Haunting story! I remember the last time I hiked alone and had an accident (slipped off the path and tumbled down to a very muddy bank I thought I would never escape), I was sure I was a goner! And it was truly the last time I hiked alone (well, a serious hike anyway!) Great job with your story!
